We do it all.

Elevated Branding Firm is an advertising/marketing firm that handles EVERYTHING. After consulting with you and learning more about your brand, we make your business known. From creating a storyboard & shooting a high-production commercial to getting you on billboards and street benches, we do it all.


Making a great commercial will do nothing if nobody ever sees it. EBF will distribute the commercials, reels, & photos we produce for you. Traditional & modern marketing are both important for local businesses, which means we will get you on TV, the local radio, physical printed ads, & social media!


EBF refuses to settle for low production. Likewise, an entertaining storyline that enhances the brand is crucial. EBF understands that thinking of these ideas & putting them into reality can be hard. That is why we offer full-service production, as you should be focusing on your craft and area of expertise.

Brand Development

EBF’s team consists of small business owners, so we will be fully invested in your brand and the success of your business. Many local businesses have great products/services, yet they struggle to know what their target audience should be. We understand and want to help you grow!

We Want to Hear about your Business